October 3, 2024

How to Succeed in AI Interviews: Tips for Navigating the New Reality

AI is transforming the job search process, and candidates need to adapt to stay competitive. The hiring process is becoming faster, smarter, and more efficient, with companies like Unilever leading the way. Unilever processes 1.8 million job applications annually to fill over 30,000 positions. How do they manage this volume? […]
September 26, 2024
what does a good linkedin profile look like

What does a good Linkedin Profile look like?

In his book “Empowering Yourself”, Harvey Coleman puts career success under the microscope to get a better understanding of where you should spend your energy to get maximum return. It turns out that being great at your job isn’t enough – in fact it accounts for only 10 % of career success. It’s just the entry point. Your image, exposure and how people perceive you accounts for the remaining 90 %. In a nutshell, to be successful, people need to know who you are, what you do and why it matters.Linkedin is a great vehicle for boosting your exposure. It allows you showcase your expertise and lets people know what value you can bring to a company and how you can contribute to its success.Here’s 10 tips you should consider when crafting your online profile.
September 26, 2024
4 tips for dealing with silence in interviews

Dealing with Silence in Interviews – 4 Tips

What do you do when the flow of conversation comes to a grinding halt in an interview?  It’s very easy to feel the weight of silence and the impulse to fill the gap can be hard to overcome.  Below are some useful tips to help you deal with these wordless moments:
September 26, 2024
top three interview mistakes

Top 3 Interview Mistakes

Being told that you were unsuccessful in interview is a brutal blow but it is important to view each interview as a learning experience, quickly identify where you fell down and make the necessary changes to ensure that next time round you get over the line. To help you critically assess your performance, I have outlined below the five most common interview mistakes.
September 2, 2024
tips for salary negotiation when you get a job offer

Salary Negotiation when you get a Job Offer – 4 Tips

Negotiating salary is an exercise that many people find uncomfortable, even in a buoyant market.  It is worthwhile remembering that regardless of the economic climate, good candidates are always hard to find.  An employer is looking for a specific combination of qualities – relevant work experience, technical and IT skills, cultural fit, ability to fit in with the team – so when they identify their preferred candidate they are usually willing to negotiate on salary.  With this in mind, how can you increase your influence at the negotiating table?