April 18, 2024
Interview Tips for Mums returning to work

Top Interview Tips for Mums returning to the Workplace

Increasing numbers of women are now returning to the workforce after taking a career break to rear their families.  Whether it is through financial necessity or simply wanting to challenge themselves and develop new skills, returning to the workforce after an absence can be tricky. So what steps can you take to get back on the career ladder?
April 18, 2024
how to answer the interview question - tell me about yourself

How to answer the interview question “Tell me about yourself”

This is a hugely popular interview question and at first glance looks little more than an “ice breaker”. In reality it’s probably one of the more challenging questions asked as it’s not immediately obvious what the interviewer is looking for. What do you focus on - your professional or personal life? How much detail should you give? How long should your answer be?
April 18, 2024
What have you been doing since your last job?

What have you been doing since your last job?

Losing your job is ranked by experts as one of the most stressful life events that people experience.  Being made redundant can knock your self-esteem, strain your personal relationships and of course negatively affect your bank balance and quality of life.  To compound matters, just as you’re learning to cope with the aftershock of this trauma, you’re required to be at your personal best to perform well in interviews and convince employers that you are their ideal candidate.
April 18, 2024
how to succeed at executive interview

4 Tips to Succeed in Executive Interviews

What’s the biggest mistake we make in interviews?Interviewing for the job we’re in, not the job we’re going for.The easiest way to avoid falling into this trap is to approach the interview as you would any part of the business – strategically. Look for overlaps between your current role and the desired position, then show you’ve the abilities required to adapt to the higher level of responsibilities demanded. Areas to look out for:Stakeholder management: Strategic input: Emotional Intelligence:
April 3, 2024
Answering the question, how well do you work under pressure

Interview Question “How well do you work under pressure?

How well do you work under pressure? Why do employers ask this question?In a period of economic instability, efficiency becomes a focal point for management and employees are often expected to take on more responsibility and a greater work load. Greater economic uncertainty means that traditional ways of operating are challenged, new ideas and practices are implemented; all of which creates unpredictability in what was previously a stable work environment.
April 2, 2024
how to shine at a zoom interview

How to shine in a Zoom Interview

Hiring managers have adapted with speed to the new realities of social distancing and have moved from face to face to online interviews. To excel in virtual interviews, it’s important to realise that they’re a different beast. This new form of interview requires adapting your style in order to make them work effectively for you.Here are 6 tips to help you maximise your presence in virtual interviews and to make that vital connection with the hiring manager.
April 2, 2024
hybrid working

Senior Management Interviews – What qualities do you need to show to get the job?

Hybrid working has placed increasing demands on organisations; changing how we collaborate with colleagues and blurring the boundaries between work and home. More than ever, employers are placing a premium on emotional intelligence in their selection process to ensure their teams have the inbuilt flexibility required to weather any unexpected storms, yet remain on course. With this in mind, what are the three top qualities employers look for?