June 19, 2024
what do you know about this company

How to answer the interview question – What do you know about this company?

This is a very popular interview question and when answered well is a great way to mark you out from other job applicants.  Employers are interested in establishing what you know about their company as it helps them determine:How interested you are in working for the company. Making the wrong decision reflects very poorly on a recruitment manager and they will do everything possible to minimise this risk.   By showing a genuine interest in the company, you will position yourself as a credible applicant with a desire to succeed, fit in and develop with the role. Your commercial awareness. By demonstrating in interview that you have extensively researched the company and have taken the time to understand their positioning in the marketplace, their key business drivers and the commercial pressures they face – you will show your ability to think outside the box and the value added you are bringing to the organisation.
June 18, 2024
Public Sector Interview

How to nail Competency-Based Public Sector Interviews

How to nail Competency-Based Public Sector Interviews Embarking on competency-based interviews in the public sector for the first time can be a daunting experience, especially if you’re coming from the private sector. Public sector interviews have their unique characteristics, with a significant emphasis on competency questions. In fact, these questions […]
June 18, 2024
Questions and Answers for Graduate Interviews

Graduate Interviews – Questions & Answers

Recently graduated? Looking to get your first step on the career ladder? As there is always high interest in the best companies, graduates need to sharpen up their interview skills to give themselves the best possible chance of beating off the competition and securing a job offer.
June 18, 2024
Tips to Succeed at a Group Interview

How to succeed in a group interview – 5 tips

Group interviews are a popular way for employers to assess a large number of applicants in a cost effective and timely manner.  They’re often used so to determine qualities such as communication/ influencing / leadership skills and are a good way to test how well job applicants will behave in a stressful environment.  
June 18, 2024
how to manage the interviewer during the hiring process

How to manage the interviewer during the hiring process

Interviewing is a complex process where personal dynamics take centre stage.  By developing an awareness of the main personality types, you can help you improve your ability to adapt to the interviewer’s individual style. Developing such a flexible approach can impact on the direction and style of the interview and ultimately its outcome. 
June 18, 2024
teamwork competency question

How to answer the Teamwork competency question

Why do employers value team work?In a recent survey, teamwork and communication skills ranked amongst the top five qualities sought by employers.  Many companies are now focusing on team building as a way to differentiate themselves from their competitors in the belief that it will positively impact their bottom line.  They recognise that team work brings about synergy - “the sum of the parts being greater than the whole” and if implemented correctly, teambuilding can make a company more productive, increase staff morale and foster innovation. 
June 18, 2024
5 tips for telephone interviews

Telephone Interviews – Dos and Don’ts

Many multinational companies use telephone interviews as an initial screening tool when hiring candidates.  From their point of view it’s a quick, cheap way of assessing candidate suitability and finding out if they’ll fit the company culture. There are some crucial differences between telephone and face to face interviews and understanding these will help you get through to the next stage.
June 4, 2024
What your body language says about you at interview

What your body language says about you in job interviews

Pictures speak louder than words…………………This is particularly true in an interview situation where body language plays a significant factor in determining whether an employer sees you as a trustworthy, confident, capable individual who has a future with their company.  Interestingly, research has shown that words by themselves account for only 7% of the impact of your message, a hefty 38% of the message is transmitted by tone of voice and the remaining 55% is communicated by body language.