June 18, 2024
teamwork competency question

How to answer the Teamwork competency question

Why do employers value team work?In a recent survey, teamwork and communication skills ranked amongst the top five qualities sought by employers.  Many companies are now focusing on team building as a way to differentiate themselves from their competitors in the belief that it will positively impact their bottom line.  They recognise that team work brings about synergy - “the sum of the parts being greater than the whole” and if implemented correctly, teambuilding can make a company more productive, increase staff morale and foster innovation. 
June 4, 2024
What are behavioural competency questions?

What are Behavioural/Competency Questions?

Behavioural interviews (also known as competency based interviews) are becoming increasingly popular in the contemporary recruitment process.  They are regularly used by Multinationals and the public sector and are seen to be a good predictor of future employee success.  As many “traditional” interviews have also started incorporating behavioural questions into their structure, it is important to be fully prepared for this style of questioning - to both understand what is being asked and how best to present your answers.